Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Teaching food waste recycling in schools

Recycling food waste produced in primary schools and colleges with a SE Food waste converters is not just an environmentally practical solution to an ongoing problem, it is also a fantastic way to educate children and youth about converting food waste into useful material by providing them with hands-on experience of sustainable living.
                                 It is now easy to recycle all common school food wastes. Not only food waste but also all green waste like grass clippings etc will currently be recycled using the SE Automatic organic waste converter.                                                                 It is necessary to take action to reduce food wastage problems. Use Solwearth food waste converters to manage all your food waste disposal problem in schools & colleges with ease. Get rid of all food waste problems and show your support for ecological well being in a single step by using organic waste converter machine from Solwearth. Build a better world for tomorrow with Solwearth Ecotech.
To know more about Owc Machine: www.solwearth.com

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Role of youth for a Greener Environment

Young people constitute a large part of the world’s population and young people will have to live longer with the consequences of current environmental decisions than will their elders. Future generations will also be affected by these decisions and the extent to which they have addressed concerns such as the depletion of resources, biodiversity loss, and long-lived radioactive wastes.                                       Young people can play an active role in protecting and improving the environment. They can change their lifestyle and how it affects the environment. They can make their homes, schools and youth organizations more environmentally friendly by adopting environmentally friendly practices, recycling of different materials as well as preserving resources such as water and electricity. Engaging youth in environmental protection not only creates direct impact on changing youth behaviors and attitudes, but possibly influence their parents, relatives and families.
                                                  Introduce SE Food waste converters for the young generation. Solwearth Ecotech is one of the largest organic waste converter manufacturers in India, introducing organic waste converters which reduces Organic Waste Volume by 90% and transforms it into healthy soil supplement. Contribute to a green future by using Solwearth organic waste converter machineYouth are back bone of the nation. They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behavior. Go green and Recycle your food wastes with SE Food waste converters.

To know more visit site: www.solwearth.com

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Effects of land pollution


It is disturbing to think that the wonderful benefits of a healthy ecosystem are threatened by land pollution. Hazardous chemicals in the soil can potentially wipe out living organisms in the soil. These organisms help to break down organic matter in the soil and help aerate the soil. A polluted land or soil will therefore not be able to support the plants and animals that depend on it in keeping food chains intact.

Water sources

Anytime it rains, water washes the surfaces of these polluted lands and runs off to nearby water sources. All the dangerous chemicals and food wastes are washed into water bodies. These make the waters unsafe for consumption and also harmful to animals that live in the water. In addition to this. Chemicals in the soil are leached further down into the water table, thereby polluting them in the process.poisoning. They can also cause skin, heart, liver, some kinds of cancers and neurological damage. 


Landfills and places with dirty landscapes are generally not attractive to tourists and visitors. This means such communities usually miss out on the value and benefits of tourism and investment. In some cities, there are very bad smells, lots of rats, mice and insects that spread diseases. These animals thrive in dirty places. Governments spend a lot of money cleaning up and managing trash and the polluted landscape. That money could have been used for other important things such as healthcare and education. Many landfills are always burning and they cause further air pollution.
                  The food wastage problems that are affected to the landfills are caused by us. So we should have to find a solution for this problem. Solwearth Ecotech introduces Food Waste Converters that reduces organic Waste Volume by 90% and transforms it into healthy soil supplement. Now you can recycle food waste easily with SE Automatic Organic Waste Converter. Contribute to a green future by using Solwearth organic waste converter machine for recycling your organic waste andhelps to reduce pollution.
To know more about Owc Machine: www.Solwearth.com

Friday, May 3, 2019

Hotel waste management in India

Hotel waste management is not always straight forward and often hotels devise a waste management strategy that may not be as sustainable as it could be because looking for a green alternative could be time consuming and complicated. 
                                             Continuous and proper disposal of food waste is necessary for sustaining future hotel activities. There are a large number of Restaurants and Hotels in India. These hotels contribute substantially to the generation of waste .Hotels and restaurants waste contributes to around 25-30 % of the total waste generated.
                                                For the hospitality industry, the waste created by daily operations is an ongoing challenge. Hotels need to allocate valuable back-of-the house space for waste to be stored and sorted. There are other concerns as well, namely the health and safety of those coming into contact with the waste, and the noise created by waste compaction and collection.
                                          Get rid of waste problems and show your support for ecological well being in a single step by using organic waste converters from Solwearth. SE food waste converters is the Perfect solution for the hotel waste management. 
                                         Solwearth Ecotech is the best Organic waste converter manufacturers in India. Offering the best Organic waste converter machine with less organic waste converter cost. Use this automatic organic waste converter machine from Solwearth for recycling food waste from hotels.

To know more visit: www.Solwearth.com