Monday, April 29, 2019

Food waste contributes to global warming

Have you ever thrown away food? The answer to that question is most likely a yes. 95% of food scraps are sent to the landfills each year. 
                           This food waste leads to Greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas contribute to the increasing temperature of the planet. There are several natural emissions of greenhouse gases, but human based activities raised atmospheric carbon dioxide level into a dangerous extent. In fact, human activities cause the release of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year, causing the current carbon dioxide level to be the highest. Once these greenhouse gases  are released into the atmosphere, they trap heat from leaving the atmosphere, therefore warming the planet.
                                   Does food waste produce that much greenhouse gas emissions? Well, the millions of tons of food waste that goes to the landfill is buried underground and the decomposition of the food creates Methane Gases. Most people have heard of the effects of carbon dioxide, but methane has a 34 times greater global warming potential than that of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide can stay in the atmosphere for hundreds of years and methane can only stay in the atmosphere for around twenty years. Due to its shorter lifespan, over a 20 year period one methane molecule has the global warming potential as 86 molecules of carbon dioxide.
                                           To reduce these greenhouse gas emissions Solwearth Ecotech introducing SE Food waste converters. This organic waste converter machine compresses the organic food waste and gives back soil supplement. It is an
is an automated on-site compostable waste processing system, which only requires minimum space and power and also available in compatiable sizes. 

Monday, April 15, 2019

Causes and effects of ocean dumping

It is a well-known fact that nearly 70% of the earth is filled with water in the form of different kinds of water bodies such as oceans, lakes and rivers etc. All these water bodies, especially oceans and seas, have key roles to play in our everyday life. 
                             Dumping in the ocean has always been considered the cheapest and the easiest way of disposing of wastes. The billions of tons of litter end up in the ocean each year reportedly bring 250 million tons of trash into the sea every year. However, reports also suggest that littering makes the aquatic life in the oceans and seas worse these days.
                  Among all sorts of activities that pollute the ocean, dumping of food waste stands first in the list. Dumping involves depositing all the waste materials from factories and industries, tankers and ships and sewerage waste materials into the oceans and seas. 
                                   In order to prevent ocean pollution, we should have to think about which food waste disposal method we can choose for recycling food waste. Solwearth introducing SE Food waste converters for all your food waste disposal problem with reliable organic waste converter cost. This organic waste converter machine is perfectly automatic and provides a solution to the food waste management in India

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Reasons Why People Do Not Recycle

These are some of the reasons why people never take effort to recycle.

1. “Recycling is inconvenient.”

This seems to be the number one reason why people don’t recycle, they don’t want to put in the extra effort. Some places have no pick-up. Some people say that they just can’t be bothered. 

2. “I do not have enough space in my home to recycle.”

The lack of space is an issue for many. People don’t want to see garbage cans but can't recycle beacuse of space issue. 

3. “Recycling doesn’t make a difference. So why do it?”

Misinformation about overflowing landfills, depleted resources and climate change has convinced some people that recycling doesn’t make a difference. They believe there is no problem.

4. “It is just to hard to do.”

People donot think about how to recycle easily. They only thinks it's just hard to do.

                                        SE Food waste converters from Solwearth Ecotech is one of the best method to easily solve your food waste problems. This Automatic organic waste converter, the revolutionary food waste recycling machine is a perfect healthy alternative to other methods of organic waste disposal. SE organic waste converter cost is reasonable and easy to use with compatible sizes and can used within limited space.

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