Monday, April 15, 2019

Causes and effects of ocean dumping

It is a well-known fact that nearly 70% of the earth is filled with water in the form of different kinds of water bodies such as oceans, lakes and rivers etc. All these water bodies, especially oceans and seas, have key roles to play in our everyday life. 
                             Dumping in the ocean has always been considered the cheapest and the easiest way of disposing of wastes. The billions of tons of litter end up in the ocean each year reportedly bring 250 million tons of trash into the sea every year. However, reports also suggest that littering makes the aquatic life in the oceans and seas worse these days.
                  Among all sorts of activities that pollute the ocean, dumping of food waste stands first in the list. Dumping involves depositing all the waste materials from factories and industries, tankers and ships and sewerage waste materials into the oceans and seas. 
                                   In order to prevent ocean pollution, we should have to think about which food waste disposal method we can choose for recycling food waste. Solwearth introducing SE Food waste converters for all your food waste disposal problem with reliable organic waste converter cost. This organic waste converter machine is perfectly automatic and provides a solution to the food waste management in India

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