Thursday, February 21, 2019

Reasons for why the world must have to stop food loss and food waste

  • There is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone, yet 815 million people - one in nine, go to bed hungry every night.
  • Around a third of the food produced globally is lost or wasted. That's about 1.3 billion tonnes each year.
  • 28% of the world's agricultural area is used annually to produce food that is lost or wasted.
  • Food loss and waste contributes to climate change, making up around 8% of total global greenhouse gas emissions. Around 1 billion tonnes of CO2 per year could be avoided if globally, humanity tackled food loss and waste across the value chain.
                                 Solwearth Ecotech  is a company that focuses primarily on social commitment and sustainable development. We have invented a new breed of organic waste converter machine to match our vision of a waste-free environment.

                                  Solwearth has the expertise, proven equipment and a dedicated support system. No other industrial composting equipment or Food waste converter can compete with our product in terms of process speed and manufacturing quality. Choose Automatic organic waste converter to contribute something to save our planet.

To know more about Owc

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