Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Why destroying landfills when you can recycle food waste in just 15 hours?

Now a days one of the major problem that was facing by our country is food waste management. Everyone have fortunately come to realize that responsible waste management is the only sustainable solution to this mounting problem we face.Even in the best-run kitchens there will be some food waste. Instead of letting waste just fill up landfills, Solwearth Ecotech has been coming up with SE Food waste converters to convert organic waste into soil supplement.
                                Our organic waste converter machine is a revolutionary machine capable of solving the ongoing problem of food waste management in India. SE food waste converter takes your organic wastes, compresses the ninety percent of its volume and gives back fertiliser supplement that can be used to run a beautiful garden. And all of this takes just around 12-15 hours.
                              It is an automatic organic waste converter system. We use state of the art Multi-stage indirect heat and dry decomposition process in our machines. The system is equipped with water recycling technology that uses the condensate run out to control the humidity in the processing Chamber, which in turn translates to faster processing speeds.

To know more visit site:

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